MakO Eyes

Made with Pride and Precision in the USA
MakO Eye 3 is ideal for docks underneath and between the filings.
  MakO Eye 1 is ideal for smaller docks or the handrails of any dock.

These LED’s are meant to be attached to the bottom of the dock where there is not a barnacle problem.  They are submersible in case of storms or very high tides. 

We have been testing these LED’s for over 2 years.  We are now offering special deals to some of the initial purchasers in an area so that they will get exposure!

See our





They use 75% less energy, attract fish, look gorgeous and will be the envy of the area!

        Available in  --  BLUE   WHITE    GREEN   and   AMBER

Special Introductory packages:

                                    good until 5/1/12


                                    MakO Eye 3 (Large)  

  Pkg 3A      4 Lg. MakO Eye 3 in any color, 12volt 100 watt transformer with photo cell and 2-6 hr timer, and 100’ of marine grade electrical wire. 

MakO Eye 1 (Small)

Pkg 1B     6 MakO Eye 1 in any color, 12volt 100 watt transformer with photo cell and 2-6 hr timer, and 100’ of marine grade electrical wire. 

Pkg 3B      4 Lg. MakO Eye 3 in any color

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Pkg 1B      6 MakO Eye 1 in any color

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